Decorative Pallet Wood Creations

While surfing this platform you would have gone through a number of articles mostly containing the wooden pallet furniture items. This doesn’t mean that the shipping pallets are only the furniture oriented stuff, they can ideally be used for making several room embellishments as well. We have done a number of projects where we recycled the decorative pallet wood creations. Most of them were made with the pure wood pallet, In some of them we also used some additional stuff other than the shipping pallets. Let’s have a quick look into some decent decorative wooden pallet creations.

Like this room lamp with a classic wooden shade is made using the shipping pallet wood planks. These narrow and slim wooden sticks are made by cutting the pallet planks, this gives a pretty fancy look and is something that is unique in nature and is totally different from the common room lamps that we see around us.

This round mirror case is also made with extreme love and passion, as the smartly cut pallet wood planks were cut and shaped properly. This took a lot of skill and expertise along with time and supplies. But the final product is pretty superb.

Have you ever seen such a superb wooden book shelf in your whole big life? Atleast to me this is an awesome wood pallet creation that I have never seen before. The best shipping pallets can be witnessed here, awesome design is pursued, and the lighting addition has escalated the beauty of the book shelf.

When we have the abundant supplies in the shape of shipping pallets, and we are also familiar with the wood pallet recycling, then we turn towards such insane ideas. Like this could be the best lighting idea in the patio where mason jars are turned into lanterns and fixed on a shipping pallet.

Now let’s move a bit forward, this time we are going to defy a typical roof chandelier. Though this bunch of Edison bulbs look like scattered lighting object but we made it with un evenly installed Edison bulbs along with the fancy wires on a wood pallet flat board.

I don’t really like the typical stuff around me, and this was the first element that driven me towards the pallet wood recycling I guess. That is why I keep recycling such crazy pallet wood creations like this heart shaped caricature that would best be used in the wall art idea.

Wow, pallet wood recycling mastery at its peak. I mean making this kind of complicated pattern in the wood pallet recycled table is really a tough job. Though a lot of material is needed for this one, but ultimately this makes an ideal installation for your room.

And finally for this cute vintage lighting idea, you need nothing other than a few wooden pallet slabs and a common Edison bulb that can easily be arranged from the market. The holder in this case is also elegant, go for the one if you have got the option and make this beautiful decorative wood pallet idea.

Pallet CreationsPallet IdeasPallet PlansPallet ProjectsPallet RecycledPallet UpcycledPallet WorksReclaimed PalletsRepurposed Pallets
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