Pallet Wardrobe Armoire


What is an armoire wardrobe? Are you familiar with that one? An armoire is a wardrobe that is not pretty common and conventional, this is typically one that is ornate or antique. So this is a particular feature that separates the armoire from the common ones. So today we would be discussing about a project where a pallet wardrobe armoire is recycled with the wooden pallet. This armoire wardrobe is certainly going to be different from the rest of common wardrobes that we usually come across in our daily life on several places. And also going to be recycled completely with the pallet wood.

Pallet Wardrobe Armoire

A wardrobe is considered to be a must have for every house hold. It can easily be said that a house without a proper wardrobe lacks style. A stylish wardrobe is not only going to fix your issue of storage, but also going to make your lady damn happy. And if this is an armoire wardrobe, it is going to make her even happier due to its ornate style. And the blissful feature is this that today we are going to recycle it with wooden pallet entirely as the basic material. So this pallet wardrobe armoire is going to be very cost effective as well.
Pallet Wardrobe

Now lets look on the design shape and structure of this pallet wardrobe armoire. This wardrobe typically has two long cabinets along with two firm doors to close it. It has several built in racks where you can hang a lot of your accessories. Plus it has spacious drawers where you can place your washroom accessories like shampoo, conditioner and other such stuff. You can also place here your daily use towels, in short this wardrobe armoire is a complete package of style, and utility. Try this one for your next summer project.
Pallet Armoire Pallet Armoire Idea Pallet Wardrobe Armoire Plan

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